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View Full Version : geting licensed in Ohio

04-08-2013, 01:55 AM
Hello every. One.
My name is Nick I just wanted. To know how hard it is to get my license. In Ohio. I was going to buy Dave's. DVD package.
Thanks. Nick

04-08-2013, 08:27 PM
Nick it is easy to get your 54 in Ohio as long as your not a convict and have common sence. Shooting in Ohio is another issue.

04-08-2013, 09:10 PM
The answer is the procedure to obtain the license is the same in every state. It is a federal license the state has no control on weather you receive it or not. I would encourage you to purchase my video package; once you watch the video, you will understand the entire procedure. Purchasing my ATF package educates you and helps me run this website.

04-09-2013, 09:03 AM
Nick it is easy to get your 54 in Ohio as long as your not a convict and have common sence. Shooting in Ohio is another issue.
That is absolutely right. If my memory serves me right - someone else from Ohio got his ATF license thinking it was a right of passage and he could do whatever he wanted to do. WAY WAY WRONG! And that is the case in ANY state. Check very thoroughly your state laws. Just food for thought...

04-10-2013, 11:09 PM
If my memory serves me right - someone else from Ohio got his ATF license thinking it was a right of passage and he could do whatever he wanted to do. WAY WAY WRONG! And that is the case in ANY state. Check very thoroughly your state laws. Just food for thought...
Yeah I remember that. It's still nice to have but so many more hoops to jump through even after you get the 54

04-13-2013, 11:27 PM
I bought Dave's package and went through all the procedures. It was pretty easy, as long as you have proper storage or a letter for contingency storage, that was the ATF's big concern. Lynch Imports in Cincinnati will help you with contingency storage, just email Dennis and he will help you as long as you live close enough.

Also in Ohio you need to have an exhibitors license to shoot them legally, the ATF really pushes that. Get Dave's package and he takes you through all the steps, its very easy. Hope this helps

04-14-2013, 12:09 PM
im also in ohio and my next step is going to be buying daves video. everyone ive heard from says its well worth it.