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View Full Version : Train your dog to accept fireworks

03-20-2013, 08:00 PM
A small farm owner gave me permission to shoot a fireworks display on his property, his dog was a afraid of fireworks. He had the dog out in the daytime. During the day, I shot a 3-inch salute into the air to “Test the Wind”. His dog ran away and they found the dog two days later hiding under the neighbor’s porch. Another time I was shooting fireworks in a rural area and the police showed up telling us to stop because a farmer was complaining his horses were going crazy from the noise.
Is it possible to train a dog to accept the noise of fireworks? Check out this video.

This is the same training method that many people use when getting their dog used to the sound of gunshots.

This is a clip containing sounds of fireworks. In order to get your dog used to this kind of sounds you should play this clip as often as possible before for example New Year 's Eve. The trick is to start off with very little volume and then slowly increase it from session to session. Remember to not nurture your dog while playing this clip, instead act as normal as possible. Do the dishes, clean the house, read a magazine or something like that.

If you do this properly and thoroughly your dog should accept fireworks when it's time for the real deal.

03-23-2013, 10:18 AM
Yes it is possible to train dogs to withstand fireworks, i've just came back from spain where i have seen lots off dogs standing next to mascletas that simply don't care.
Accidently light of a 20 meter traca next to a greyhound, they greyhound was so excited i ran along with the traca!