View Full Version : Pyrotalk ATF license feedback

02-09-2013, 01:59 AM
Here is a comment I received regarding my ATF license DVD application package.
If you are reading this and need help getting your ATF license please consider purchasing my ATF DVD’s that walk you through the process
Copy paste
Thanks so much for the help Dave. I had my ATF interview last month and I just received my license on Monday. I'm also enrolled in shooter school for Rozzis fireworks in Cinci and will be helping with shows, so looks like i'm going to get plenty of experience with the big boy stuff lol. Thanks again for everything, I highly recommend everyone get the DVD packet.

02-09-2013, 12:00 PM
Dave, Just ordered your DVD and can't wait to receive it in the mail. I will give you updates on my process. I have been picked up by a local FW company and I am looking forward to taking the shooters course this spring.