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View Full Version : Cube Cracker

01-21-2013, 11:26 AM
Here's a video I saw on YouTube of someone making a "cube cracker". After he finished wrapping it I couldn't help thinking "Chia Pet".


01-22-2013, 05:47 PM
He did a good job rapping that thing. That green thread reminds of the green firecrackers from India.

01-23-2013, 04:39 PM
This guy tried to copy the original cubic cracker from the German firework brand Weco.


01-26-2013, 10:30 PM
I never heard of these “Cubic Firecrackers” but I like them. I thought the Indian firecrackers were the only ones that use that green thread. I found some other videos of the cubics.
The comment on the first video says it was made with Sodium Chlorate Flash Powder. I never heard of firecrackers made using that chemical. I also notice many of these commercially made large firecrackers use traditional time fuse, why would that be? It seems like that type of fuse should be just for shell building.



01-26-2013, 10:34 PM
In this video, the Cubic Thunder sounds like it is made with black powder.


01-27-2013, 11:50 AM
The cubes that are for sale in Germany at the moment only consist of blackpowder, they were used to contain a mixture of flashpowder and black powder until flash got banned form firecrackers in Germany.

01-28-2013, 11:37 AM


I didn't see where it said anywhere that it used Sodium Chlorate flash [guess I have to clean my bifocals] --but there are several older formulae that use Sodium Perchlorate with aluminum and calcium or calcium hydride. These are classified as PhotoFlash powders and are considered very dangerous since they are much more susceptible to ignition from shock, spark, and friction.
One of the advantages to using 1/4 time fuse [as is common in many of the large Italian -and other- ground salutes] is the fact that it is a much stronger fuse than common Visco and less likely to have a failure due to a break caused by a crimp where the fuse enters the casing. Some of the big salutes also have the time fuse feeding through a "spollette" tube into the cylinder for added strength. 1/4" time fuse burns around 3 seconds per inch on average--so a primed 2" piece will give you a 6 second burn.

01-29-2013, 10:00 PM
This video says Sodium Chlorate Flash powder


01-30-2013, 11:57 AM
Thanks Dave--I missed it before. Interesting!

01-30-2013, 07:11 PM
Here is a couple of Sodium Chlorate Flash Powder formula I found on the internet. Not usually a first choice I am sure.
2 parts Sodium Chlorate
1 part Sulfur
1 part 400 mesh Aluminum Powder
This formula is very moisture absorbent but it is very imact and friction sensitive. Not so much flash as noise is put out by it.
7.5 parts Sodium Chlorate
1.5 parts Charcoal Dust
1 part Sulfur