View Full Version : Unlisted Fireworks Videos

11-17-2012, 02:41 PM

I just watched video of display at university. Not sure who the company was but it was one huge DOT violation the way they transported material. Wrong placards, no door signs, etc

11-17-2012, 09:29 PM

I just watched video of display at university. Not sure who the company was but it was one huge DOT violation the way they transported material. Wrong placards, no door signs, etc

Good thing they got away with that one, VFI should take some notes if your correct

11-17-2012, 10:32 PM
It's not good they got away with it. They should know the rules and follow them. There are companies out there doing what's right and these guys can ruin it.

I am correct. Never seen a 1.3g placard that wasn't orange before

11-18-2012, 08:09 PM
At pyrola

You sparked my interest on this placard issue. The reference material I am looking at is from Pennsylvania. While the manual outlines the wording or symbols on the placard it does not specify a color. It further outlines the placement.
-Easily seen from the direction it faces.
-Placed so the words or number are level and read from left to right.
-At least 3 inches (76.2 mm) away from any other markings.
-Kept clear of attachments or devices such as ladders, doors, and tarpaulins.

While many of these 1.3 placards are orange they may not be required to be that color. Can someone else comment on this or provide a reference link.

11-18-2012, 08:59 PM
All 1.3g placards are orange. The orange represents explosives and you see the same for 1.4g. The placards they were using were for flammable materials not explosives. The foolishly put a printed out "1.3g" over put over top of the flammable placard.

11-18-2012, 09:37 PM
All 1.3g placards are orange. The orange represents explosives and you see the same for 1.4g. The placards they were using were for flammable materials not explosives. The foolishly put a printed out "1.3g" over put over top of the flammable placard.
DOT issues are certainly not in my realm of expert, but I think pyrola nailed it. This is NOT a PA issue - but is a USDOT issue.
All manuals I have (4) have the orange 1. labels - now you have my curiosity perked as well - maybe something new and little known?

11-19-2012, 12:06 AM
Here is a link from Cornell Law School to search out what we are looking for. While the Pennsylvania Commercial Drivers License manual does not specify what color the placard should be (there are illustrations however showing orange in the back of the book) the color must be orange according to this link. The good news I also found a link where you can download free printable placards.
Cornell Law School
Download and print placard

11-19-2012, 07:46 AM
like this?
(a) Except for size and color, the EXPLOSIVE 1.1, EXPLOSIVE 1.2 and EXPLOSIVE 1.3 labels must be as follows:
(the copy/paste did not work on pic - butjust follow Daves link - it will show it plain)

(b) In addition to complying with § 172.407, the background color on the EXPLOSIVE 1.1, EXPLOSIVE 1.2 and EXPLOSIVE 1.3 labels must be orange. The “**” must be replaced with the appropriate division number and compatibility group letter. The compatibility group letter must be the same size as the division number and must be shown as a capitalized Roman letter.

11-21-2012, 11:56 PM
Thanks for posting the regs. Hopefully these folks will start following rules of dot and get compliant. This company is not doing the industry any favors with this.