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View Full Version : Fireworks injury man makes video

11-05-2012, 12:25 AM
This man was injured by a consumer fireworks artillery shell called Grim Reaper. In this video he describes his injuries and shows us the results. By his own words in the video responses this is how he explains what happened
yes I am the guy from MN...nope didnt load two shells just one upside down...the news story was way off I guess the media gets to make it up as they go. The fireworks were called "grim reaper" kinda fitting! im not sure of the manufacturer, I probably will not play with anything bigger than a bottle rocket again!
Yes I was using a 2" mortar round legally purchased in Wisconsin, I may have a a few adult beverages that day which made me think itd be ok to hold launchimg tube while i shot the firework out......bad idea, I accidently loaded mortar round in backwards making mortar explode in tube and blowing into my chest...my thumb was lost because i was holding the bottom of tube

Now let’s study this case a little. Below is a link to the local news story. Listen how they describe the fireworks as illegal. This man in fact purchased the product legally and it is a legal fireworks product. The news video also shows a spent fireworks spinning device that almost made me think he put that in the tube. Now I suspect they just showed up at the scene and saw that on the ground.
Frankly, I am surprised this man admits to his mistake of loading the artillery shell upside down. What else can fireworks manufactures do to assure people do no load these things upside down? I now see why World Class Excalibur artillery shells come with a new mortar that has a sleeve attached. I would like to get one of those and test it to see how it responds.
Occasionally I consult with a legal fireworks expert and he shares some of his cases with me. You would be amazed how many people are injured with consumer fireworks and then find an attorney to pursue a case for them. They leave out pertinent details such as alcohol or improper use of the product.
My sympathy goes out to this man, I do not want to see people get injured, and lastly I respect him for admitting he was drinking and behaving foolishly.

11-05-2012, 08:49 AM
Very simple solution: Follow the directions on the piece:

"Do not hold in hand! Light fuse and get away."

It doesn't get any clearer.

copper acetoarsenite
11-07-2012, 02:10 PM
One cannot outlaw reckless and careless behavior people hurt and kill themselves with all sorts of things.... lawnmowers...BBQ grills deep fryers...people have many times walked into spinning airplane props the only solution is to ban everything and lock us all in rubber rooms ...from my studies consumer fireworks are actually low on the list...I believe that shopping carts cause more injuries ....Muppets!!!

copper acetoarsenite
11-07-2012, 02:14 PM
Truthfully with respect to fireworks. I worry more about "safety experts" planting onions for the kids to harvest

copper acetoarsenite
11-07-2012, 04:30 PM
Further the media is composed primarily of stupid liars I want Ted Koppel and Peter Jennings back although in certain situations their mendacious and foolish propensities is useful lol

11-07-2012, 06:05 PM
Copper---please don't start with your ranting again. This is a pyro forum--not a therapy room.

copper acetoarsenite
11-07-2012, 06:19 PM
Not to worry sir Puerto ricans are immune to psychology lol
Ill stick to flash and stars...and bees and tourbillions....I've already opened by big mouth too much mean culpa
Back to l'art de faire in peu de fraise de feux d'artifice
Best wishes :-)

01-12-2013, 09:14 PM
Sounds like an easy equation. Fireworks+Alcohol= Pain and possibly death.