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View Full Version : International Companies in US

11-04-2012, 05:11 PM
I wanted to take a poll to see which famous International Fireworks company people in USA would like to see shoot a show in USA the most.

11-04-2012, 05:13 PM
If you select other, please name the company you would like to see. Thanks!

11-04-2012, 08:56 PM
Cool I liked how you created this voting. I knew it was in the program but never used it.
I would vote for Howard and Sons pyrotechnics of Australia.
I spoke with one of my sources in the industry about the subject of having an international fireworks competition in United States. The main problem is they are feeling it is near impossible due to the complex regulations in United States. You can do things on a commercial level with 1.3 fireworks in some countries very easy. In United States, it may be very difficult to bring all these countries and their products to a competition.
This same source was telling me a story of a Caribbean country that has no regulations pertaining to 1.3 fireworks. His job was to help them establish storage requirements common to 1.3 fireworks. They were storing large amounts of 1.3 products in plain sight with no significant security. Should an accident occur they know the government authorities will move in with strict requirements. They want to police themselves in cooperation with authorities in this Caribbean country.
In United States operating a for profit professional fireworks company has a multitude of regulations. However, if you are using professional fireworks for your own use or not in commerce, most of these regulations do not apply to you. It does not exempt you from being safe and reasonable using 1.3 fireworks. In United States, it is very easy to use 1.3 fireworks for your own use. If you do, just one display for profit you now must abide but a whole list of regulations

11-04-2012, 09:25 PM
Thanks Dave! Howard & sons is a great company and put on wonderful shows.

I think those rules could be worked out and an international company could do a show but I see your point. This is just a fun exercise to see what company people would like to see most.