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View Full Version : National Fireworks Association 1.4 competition

09-10-2012, 06:57 PM
I received reports that Red Rhino Fireworks won the fireworks completion over Dominator Fireworks at the NFA convention this weekend. I am gathering information on more of the details and will report them soon. This is some of what has been reported to me. A large percentage of the fireworks used by Dominator were the Articles of Pyrotechnics. Red Rhino used entirely off the shelf Consumer Fireworks. Both competitors used Finale Fireworks software to design their displays. The Red Rhino display used the Cobra Firing system.
If you have been following my video you may know my opinion on this NFA competition and any use of Articles of Pyrotechnics in a 1.4, Class C or Consumer Fireworks display. I always felt this competition should be a consumer fireworks product anyone would be able to purchase without any special licensure or professional requirement. Articles of Pyrotechnics do not follow the same build requirements as consumer fireworks and are in a class not regulated by the ATF or the CPSC.
I heard this may be a controversial win for Red Rhino . I personally did not think off the shelf consumer fireworks could win against Articles of Pyrotechnics. Apparently, Red Rhino has done so winning this event against Dominator.
Please feel free to comment and post video of their displays.

09-10-2012, 07:51 PM
I am sure more videos will become available in the coming days. Here are two
Dominator and Red Rhino



09-10-2012, 10:54 PM
IMO - both shows were excellent. Dominator has their own flare of a show. Red Rhino had a totally different approach. Different judges can make a difference. Each were winners in my opinion.

Kev in Ky
09-10-2012, 11:22 PM
Agree, both looked great. The different camera locations for each video made it hard for me to pick a winner. Congrats though, to all involved.

09-11-2012, 12:17 AM
The Dominator NFA 1.4 competition display looks almost identical to the 1.3 fireworks display they did at the Pyrotechnic Guild International convention in La Porte Indiana 2012. I grabbed this random video off of youtube, I did not watch them in their entirety but the first few minutes look the same.


I really do not get this, now it is a 1.3 display then it is a 1.4 display. The National Fireworks Association evidently does not understand this or just does not care. I am happy for Red Rhino and their win, but the more I think about it I almost wish Dominator would have won the 1.4 competition again. It may take Dominator and their line of “Professional” Articles of Pyrotechnics to win this 1.4 competition 15 times in a row before the National Fireworks Association wakes up and analyzes the playing field. This win by Red Rhino only reinforces the current rules. Their response will be Red Rhino did it and so can another company.
It would be interesting to see what a Dominator consumer fireworks display would look like minus the Articles of Pyrotechnics. When I look at the two videos I see a beautifully choreographed professional fireworks display and on the other video I see one hell of backyard fireworks display. The real question will be what pair of glasses will be NFA be wearing for future competitions.
Someone approached me a couple of years ago after knowing my opinion on this issue and here is what they told me. “It is not about who wins the competition, it is about selling fireworks”.

09-11-2012, 04:59 AM
Sometimes there are other factors that play into this as well. As stated above - it is the judges decision - not ours. My personal opinion - i think this is the case here....If i remember right - 3 of the 5 judges were locals....

09-11-2012, 11:51 AM
Wow, That Red Rhino Show used a lot of Pyro.

Two VERY different shows, that really is like comparing apples to oranges.

Dominators was very well choreographed and timed and was definitely a Pyro Musical.

Red Rhino's show rivals or straight up beats some of the smaller 1.3 shows around here. Being one who prefers LOUD to just about anything else, I loved Red Rhino's show. I appreciate the art of the Dominator show, but Just not my personal style.

Again, Both great shows though.

09-11-2012, 06:30 PM
Definitely like Red Rhinos better. It was way more intense!

09-12-2012, 11:30 AM
As was previously stated--it is hard to compare the two--very different displays. While Dominator had an abundance of single hit comets, etc., and was timed very well to the music. Red Rhino had the sky full of product most of the time. Kudos to both companies for an excellent design & delivery!
It really shouldn't be about "who has the most que's, but what you do with the product on hand & this comes back to your discussion, Dave, about the pro line product vs straight class c items in a competition.
And, like Joyce said, a lot of it is in the likes/dislikes of the judges.