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View Full Version : Hello Everyone New Member Here

03-07-2011, 10:34 AM
Hello everyone new member from the midwest here. I have been a fireworks/pyro fan almost my entire life.

I can remember growing up and going to my grandparents cottage in Indiana and watching my grandfather and father put together the annual fireworks show. My grandfather has passed on and the duty now falls to my father and I. I hope to gain a lot of information her. I tend to read much more than I post, as a longstanding member on an RC forum (6 years, less than 50 posts).

I hope to not ask any stupid questions when the time arises for me to ask. The places that we have gotten our fireworks from over the years has changed, (yes we still buy retail, and actually enjoy the relationship we have built with the vendors in our area). this last year for instance, fireworks were purtchased from Shelton's (not the best), a local vendor of Brother's, (cool stuff) Winda(more cool stuff) Victory, and Bigs it was nice having the variety we don't do huge shows for the family but we do have fun....

Peace out everyone.

03-07-2011, 12:05 PM
Welcome fellow pyro

03-07-2011, 12:25 PM
Welcome to the forum

03-07-2011, 02:11 PM
Welcome to the forum. In my opinion there are no "stupid" questions. Only stupid people that give you tons of grief when you want an answer to a question. The difference between ignorance and stupidity is: "Ignorance is not knowing something but seeking the answer. Stupidity is not knowing something & not bothering to attempt to find the answer." Ask all the questions you want. We all are here in the pursuit of excellence & knowledge.