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View Full Version : I just sent in for my BATFE 54

07-17-2012, 08:43 PM
Ok so after going back and forth on should or shouldn't I get my 54 license I decided to go for it. Dave's video helped out a lot. How long should I expect it before I hear from them?

07-17-2012, 10:17 PM
I would have to guess 60 days. I don't know how far they are behind with the fourth just passing by.

07-18-2012, 07:38 AM
I am still waiting for my fingerprint cards to be sent to me!! What the heck is taking them so long to send them? I have receipt that I requested them sent to me on Tuesday, July 10. How long did it take you to get your cards sent to you, ChadEB?

07-18-2012, 08:27 AM
From getting Dave's video to getting the 3 little blue envelopes took about 65 days for me. I ordered fingerprint cards and they came out of Martinsburg, WV and took only about 5 days to get to me. I would order a few copies just to be safe. The officer who fingerprinted me was a little heavy on the ink and said that sometimes the ATF will reject based on that. Better to have a few copies just in case.

07-18-2012, 09:53 AM
I was working at a prison when I did my app. I asked the warden if they could do my fingerprint cards for me. He did them free of charge and also asked if I needed a card. Apparently they do a lot of gun permits in that facility too so they had some. If you're really tired of waiting ask around local police/sheriff offices and see if they have some or will do them.

OP, I believe they have 90 days to make a decision. Be patient. Once your check is cashed its pretty much a given you'll get a call reasonably soon to set up "the interview". Dear god, please don't ask about that there are tons of threads with the same Q and A's regarding the interview. Once the interview is over its usually 3 to 4 weeks for envelopes to arrive.

Again, patience.....the whole process is a waiting game.

In the meantime, take the time now to get as much knowledge as possible to prepare yourself for "the interview". I'm not talking about watching YouTube either. I'm talking read up on storage requirements, shoot safety, stuff like that. Is it required? Absolutely not. But when the agent sits down to talk to you about what you're getting into, he/she will look upon you with more favor if you know what is going on as opposed to the guy who thinks he's going to ne buying cases of 3" salutes and storing them under the mattress and lighting them in his backyard.

Several guys here have asked about the process and there are quite a few threads with numerous pages of responses and ideas and tips. Check them out.

Other than that, good luck and enjoy the wait.

07-18-2012, 09:57 AM
If you're really tired of waiting ask around local police/sheriff offices

Good call, I will contact my locals and see if they have them. Thanks

07-18-2012, 01:07 PM
Well, I got a hold of my local agency and they do have the FD-258 cards. It is by appointment only and is $15. I have an appointment this Friday to get them done. So much for free....pricks!! Hahahaha

07-18-2012, 02:15 PM
Maybe you can just get the FD-258 cards and go to your township police station, they should do it for free. My local police chief was happy to do it.

07-18-2012, 06:08 PM
County Sheriff's does not do it and that is my local city police option. Sucks!! Michigan, always trying to screw someone!! LOL

07-18-2012, 10:07 PM
Nitro25 hey glad to hear your trying to get yours too. It cost my $15 too. I had to wait 2 weeks for my cards form the ATF.

Indianahx WOW thanks for all that great info.