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View Full Version : Where to get 2FA black powder?

07-14-2012, 03:33 PM
So, I have a Type 54 and I was interested in Cremoras... Most recommend 2FA black powder which requires a Type 54 to buy (I don't want to make it myself)... Where do you buy this elusive powder? All the Fireworks distributors in my area don't carry it.

Some on the internets recommend over the counter "Cannon Blasting Powder" as a close analog to 2FA. Would this work? I am sure I could find it around at a local sporting or gun shop.

I am not interested in manufacturing Fireworks. I just wanted to add a Cremora or two to my shows. Also, would this be ok to do with 2FA with a Type 54, or do you need a Type 33?

When I initially signed up I checked Fireworks and Black powder on my ATF application. This tipped me into a slight delay because I would need storage for "High Explosives" instead of just display fireworks (low explosives). When I explained to the agent I was just interested in Fireworks... A few weeks later he was able to switch it to a Type 54 instead of a Type 33 (it was really difficult to get the main office to switch the application, they wanted to refuse it, and for me to go through the entire process again).

Anyway, I just wanted anyone's thoughts on this!

07-14-2012, 05:53 PM
Hi Brian,

I do Cremora's all the time and use 2FA as well. You do not need a type 54 to buy it since black powder is really meant for muzzle loading (Guns/Cannons) and other assorted things along that line. I buy it all the time at my local gun shop but have bought it at several gun shops in a few different states. When I buy 3-5 pounds at a time... I ALWAYS get questioned why I need that much and they immediately follow with "what gun are you loading and why do you need that much?". I am ALWAYS honest with them and tell them it is for "pyrotechnics". Some are ok with that answer and let me be. Others will enquire what type of pyrotechnics?... to which I explain the fireballs to them in detail. As soon as they realize I know what I am talking about and have it planned out thoroughly and safely, I have never been denied a sale. In fact, usually they are very intrigued. I think if they know you are on the up and up and are being safe, I think you will find that most gun dealers/supply stores are fine with selling it to you.

If you bought only a pound, they wouldn't even question you at all I'm sure. If you buy lots, that's when you will get questioned. Although there is a 5 pound limit for a specific length of time. Some dealers it's 5 pounds per day, others 5 pounds per month. Whatever the limit, 5 pounds is a lot of powder and should last you quite a while.

Most stores will copy your Driver's license/address when you buy it so they can track how much you buy over time.

They get expensive also when you do bigger ones but that's a whole another topic.

Hope this is helpful.


p.s. forgot to mention there are online gun stores you can get it from also but shipping will be way more than if you can just buy it locally.

07-14-2012, 08:06 PM
We need to keep reiterating, you do not need a license to make fireworks for you own personal use. You only need a license if you are in commerce or profiting from the fireworks you are making.
Go to gun supply store that sells black powder they will order the size you need but you need to order a large bag. I forget how much that bag is it may be 10 lbs. When I help people get their fireworks license I tell them do not check anything off on that form but “Display Fireworks”.
I always have to state this, just because you do not need license to make fireworks for your own personal use does not mean you can store fireworks you made in your home.

07-14-2012, 10:26 PM
Thanks for everyone clearing that up! That all makes sense!

07-16-2012, 06:07 PM
One of our fellow members in the IPA (Iowa Pyrotechnic Association) is a licensed distributor for black powder. We buy all of our 2FA and fuse/meal powder from him. Typically it comes in 25lb bags. If you'd like his contact info, drop me a PM and I'll send it to you.

07-20-2012, 02:06 PM
We need to keep reiterating, you do not need a license to make fireworks for you own personal use. You only need a license if you are in commerce or profiting from the fireworks you are making.

I understand you are speaking on a federal level. What about the state and local laws?
Can they add requirements or is manufacturing strictly a federal matter?