View Full Version : Benefits of joining firework clubs?

07-13-2012, 10:47 PM
So, i want to get in on the group buys which a lot of people have been recommending.

However, its pretty pricy to get into clubs, so what other benefits are there than buying wholesale frieworks?

07-14-2012, 06:42 AM
Getting the opportunity to meet and hang out with a bunch of awesome people several times a year, getting to learn from them, work with them, watch their displays at the various shoots thru out the year and the opportunity to shoot shows of your own. The trading of information within clubs is well worth the membership price, You'll be amazed at what you can learn in a short period of time. The friendships you'll make are priceless. Even if you only join to get in on group buys, you'll get that money back in cheap pyro. I'm pretty sure after the first year in a club when you look back, the biggest benefit of joining will be the friendships, group buys will fall further towards the bottom of your benefits list ;)

07-14-2012, 07:31 AM
If your spending money on group buys, a membership should be just a drop in the bucket. I joined HPA this year and it's.the best thing I've done.

By the way, fRom my experience I've never seen a "club" group buy

07-14-2012, 10:44 AM
Couldn't say it any better than Rare_Breed did!

07-14-2012, 11:04 PM
I agree also with Rare_Breed. I joined one in Feb. and have only been to one club shoot. BUT, I now have a bunch of people I met that like what I like. I've learned all about my state laws from them and they also have non shoot get togethers like wing night and rack building partys. Plus you get to help that club grow. I also had a few guys from the club to go to a shooter class and the Kellners demo night in April. Learned a ton from them with only really 1 shoot. I knew alot already from watching Dave's videos so it made alot easier for me when I was hands on and I didn't have to just stand around doing nothing. And again you get the good pointers for the cheaper priced stuff and whats better to buy.

07-15-2012, 07:25 AM
I agree also with Rare_Breed. I joined one in Feb. and have only been to one club shoot. BUT, I now have a bunch of people I met that like what I like. I've learned all about my state laws from them and they also have non shoot get togethers like wing night and rack building partys. Plus you get to help that club grow. I also had a few guys from the club to go to a shooter class and the Kellners demo night in April. Learned a ton from them with only really 1 shoot. I knew alot already from watching Dave's videos so it made alot easier for me when I was hands on and I didn't have to just stand around doing nothing. And again you get the good pointers for the cheaper priced stuff and whats better to buy.

NEOPG by any chance?

07-15-2012, 09:03 PM
NEOPG by any chance?

Yes it is.

07-15-2012, 09:29 PM
Great group of guys!!! I consider them Brothers, they've done alot to help me along. When you find a group like that, you know right away that your in good hands.

You gonna be at Bolivar Sept 1st? If you haven't made plans, you should ;)

07-16-2012, 08:20 PM
Yes! They are good guys. I'm lucky to be in the area.

I'm am pretty sure I will be but it's still to far away to tell. My daughters birth is the 6th so depends on birthday parties. but that would be the only thing to keep me away.
Also the 15th we are doing the fireworks for the track I race at in West Salem, Ohio.

07-17-2012, 05:22 PM
Bolivar is a MUST ATTEND event. Nice and laid back, plenty of time for fellowship and since the Mayor absolutely loves salutes... We all bring plenty of em ;)

Look me up, I'll be the fat ugly guy with a goatee and a strong southern drawl... I can't be missed. Look forward to meeting you.