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View Full Version : El Salvador fireworks store

07-11-2012, 10:24 AM
Here is a funny clip from someone buying fireworks near the El Salvador Honduras border. Checkout the large firecrackers she bring from the back. So remember when you go to a little out of the way fireworks store do not forget to ask. “Got anything good in the back?” Also, notice that Brothers Pyrotechnics seems to find its way to every part of the world even this little tiny fireworks store on El Salvador.
The video does not start until 30 seconds
A character-reel outtake from the TV documentary "ODYSSEY: Driving Around the World". Travel writer Rolf Potts humorously shops for fireworks on the El Salvador-Honduras border. (Footage begins at 00:30)


07-12-2012, 02:04 AM
Those "mas grande" crackers cant be real can they? They really do look like something out of a cartoon, and if they seriously are firecrackers I think they really could blow up a bridge lol.

copper acetoarsenite
09-30-2012, 09:28 AM
I know where my next vacation will be lol

01-20-2015, 01:12 PM
A lot of these firecrackers are more show than go. They are mostly made from old newsprint and usually contain flash or loose whistle mix. They sound like an M80 but are designed to make a huge mess.
