View Full Version : A Good Shoot Site Qualifications?

06-21-2012, 03:19 PM
I was wondering how a municipality qualifies the area you want to shoot in "OK"?
Keep this in mind... I have a friend who is in the Philadelphia Fire Dept. Maybe that could help.

I really need someone to look at this closely and give me their opinions.

I know all municipalities are going to be different. Im just nervous of my 2 main sites that I would want them to come inspect. I mean they all are fairly huge baseball fields.

http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&gl=us&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=637&q=3081+holme+ave&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x89c6b47e43d4fd2f:0x87541a0d83ecc931,3081+H olme+Ave,+Philadelphia,+PA+19136&gl=us&sa=X&ei=fmrjT4TxLqu80AH6w7zxAw&ved=0CAkQ8gEwAA

Click on satellite and zoom in once and you can see how big they are compared to the cars. They are well big enoug to shoot 5inch shells.

The triangular field on the bottom of map is in my neighborhood and I think it was Pyrotecnico that shot a show there back in 2000 for my neighborhoods 50th anniversary event.

The really big baseball field on the right is a good option but I dont like that its surroundrd by houses on all sides, but is really large in all directions.The field flood lights stay on till 11pm every night, and I dont like that, unless I can get them to turn it off on a shoot night.

The ball field on the left is surrounded half by woods and half by houses, and is a lot darker at night because there are no field lights. Just street lights. I would much rather this option. Also you can see the outlines of the football field to get an idea of how big it is. Zooming in more on that field are people playing football and you can see how small they are in comparative. Just not sure how they would qualify it.

Am I going to have to find somewhere with more open space then that?

I just dont want to be turned down my first time shooting.

I may be thinking a little too much in depth and making it harder than what it seems. I just want to do everything right.

Also how does the insurance work? What happens when Im only shooting for myself.

Like I said... Im going to be asking a lot of questions to make sure I know as much as possible before I apply for my Type 54. I appreciate every bit of info that I get from anyone on these forums.

Thanks In Advance

06-21-2012, 08:39 PM
Well, from what I see both sites are real good (if you can have them throw the lights off). But it's public land. So, you are working two angles here. 1st you want a permit. 2nd you need to convince them to do a show on public property. Because of that I don't know if you can say "I am shooting for myself". Especially when you are shooting 5" shells. Everyone from miles around will come and watch. It's actually a public display because of that. Since it's public land, in a more populated area, I would imagine you would have a harder time securing the entire site without the help of local police and Fire Dept. The AHJ has to be 100% on board to shut down that public land for a night (plus a few hours before to setup).

The trick, and I am sure Dave will back me up, is to get your ATF Type 54 now. Municipalities (I don't know how Philadelphia is) generally need to be convinced you are qualified to shoot. Generally, you can throw around having a Federal ATF Type 54. It makes them feel better in proving your qualified. I know, I know a Type 54 means nothing in being qualified to shoot Fireworks. But Dave advised me to just get it, and it turns out you have more clout having one.

So, let's assume you convince the AHJ that you can shoot on their public land. Your friend in the Fire Dept probably will be a huge help. Government tends to work in the "good ol' boys" networking type of business. Anyone on the inside will be a HUGE help.

So, insurance. Will the AHJ require it? Being it's Philadelphia I would assume so. That's going to be your biggest hurdle. Can you get your PGI shooters cert? Do you have enough shows in to do so? If so, you might be able to get put under an umbrella policy from a Display Fireworks company who sells fireworks. It will cost... Like $500 to $700 per show.

06-21-2012, 08:41 PM
FYI - Make sure you are not in commerce. Otherwise DOT rules apply. Just make sure you don't make a profit and not take money from anyone. Otherwise Display Firework companies might get wind and come down on you with the DOT.

06-21-2012, 09:10 PM
bunch of obsticles being a shooter and with pgi it dont cut it in the big cities you need to be a business and that means applying every dot, atf and afs rule and they check out everything.... Good luck

06-21-2012, 09:44 PM
So, if I in no way can shoot those sites due to insurance, and then have to pay a pyro company 500 - 700 bucks to shoot my shells that I spent 1000 - 2000 dollars.... What is the next best thing? Join a pyro club and shoot on any of their open shoot nights?

I had planned on doing business with International Pyro Importers when i get my 54.
But since now that I may have to have an umbrella policy under someone else lets say for example, "pyrotecnico" only because they are right across the river from me, that means I have to buy from them? I dont even think they have shells to sell, they only do commercial displays, or do they? And I think they would charge a lot more per case of shells then IPI, I would think... correct me if Im wrong.

Im new in this and definitely a noob to all the in's and out's to the business.

06-21-2012, 10:20 PM
Is this for this year? 2012?
or for next year 2013 AFTER you get your ATF license?
Also is this actually in the CITY OF PHILLY, or one of the smaller outer residential districts? When is your proposed show? if this is all in the nearby future - like July 4 or similar - i think you are SOL - should have all of your t's crossed and i;s dotted by this time.
Be more specific please. Also "sometimes" the B company you get product from will offer at a cost an insurance policy for your show - check with them if they do this.
Or as has been discussed in many threads throughout this forum - join a club to shoot legally and all you want - see my signature for some of the clubs i belong to - and there are a couple more - just depends really on how far you want to travel to the shoot sites...
Good luck to you.

06-21-2012, 10:56 PM
Yeah, what I meant is a company that sells Professional Fireworks do have insurance policies to sell you. I doubt Pyrotechnico would be one of them. Again, it's been my experience they want you to have a PGI shooters cert to allow you to be under their insurance. But as others have said you might want to join a club to start out with, or move to the country :)

06-21-2012, 11:45 PM
Knepp , it would be for next year. And yes, I reside IN Philadelphia County. Its just the far northeast. Im literally a mile from the border of Philadelphia and Bucks County.

Ok so Internat. Pyro should have an insurance option your are saying. because that makes it sound a bit easier.
I would just need to be PGI Cert., Correct?

Now to join a club to start off with I guess. Anything within 3 hours of Philadelphia?

Pyro Nation
06-21-2012, 11:51 PM
You are not far from me.. Me and another friend are having a shoot on the 7th if ya want to come