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View Full Version : Mortar Tube Integrity Question..

06-19-2012, 03:48 PM
So I was wondering what the average amount of shells can be shot out of a single
HDPE pipe would be around.

Is it different for each size?
Are there any liquid resins that can be used to make the walls a little bit stronger?

My plans are for personal use, and I really dont need a whole shlew of tubes.
Im thinkin only 10 each of 2.5,3,4 and 5 inchers.
And really only going to buy one case each of assorted color shells in those sizes, and of course a case each of Salute shells! :D

Tell me your thoughts.

06-19-2012, 04:33 PM
More tubes, less reloading.....

It can be done.
It IS done.
It will continue to be done.

Just remember, if your buying cases of these shells, you're getting 72 3inch shells, 36 4inch shells, and even more of the 2.5inch shells. That is a LOT of reloading. HDPE will last longer than your cardboard tubes, yes; but they will still get hot and warped from repeated use after use after use. How quickly are you planning on reloading is the main key I would think.

10 5inch tubes would be okay in my opinion. I would stock up on the others.

Edit: after going back and reading your post, you say you want a case each of color shells and a case each of salutes. If I read that right, my new opinion is no way. That's a lot of reloading in a small amount of time. Then also you should take into consideration a ready box would be best to have, you'll be doing this in the dark, and its easy to get shells mixed up in the dark. 6inch confused for 2.5inch or vice versa? Probably not, but you get the idea. Please be safe!

06-19-2012, 06:28 PM
I agree, that does not seem like a good idea... I know if you don't reload the tubes they will probably outlast you. I Have some 1.4G tubes and they are years and years old!

06-20-2012, 12:12 AM
definately dont reload....smoldering cups double loads warping to many unsafe acts can take place thats why they call them accidents dont be a statistic dont reload... my opinion

06-20-2012, 12:50 AM
I have no intentions of reloading at any fast pace. It will be more leisurely.
For the darkness issue, the ball fields around my area are lit up well enough to be able to see the differences in shell sizes, but still far enough to accomodate and distance regs.

Heres a link to the 3 fields all on one map.

http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=637&q=3081+holme+ave&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x89c6b47e43d4fd2f:0x87541a0d83ecc931,3081+H olme+Ave,+Philadelphia,+PA+19136&gl=us&sa=X&ei=iE7hT8ilG4jm0gGnz9XMAw&ved=0CAkQ8gEwAA

The one at the bottom of the map in the triangular shape is in my neighborhood. I think it was Pyrotecnico that shot a Class B show there for my Community's 50th Anniversary back in 2000. Just some info... I had work at 8pm , and the show was at 930pm. I didnt miss the show!!!LOL.

Im not really hell bent on only have 10 each of those pipe sizes. Im just tryin to keep my personal costs down. Thats all :) And if I really have to, I will make racks of 30 for the smaller sizes.

As for reloading.. When I first joined the Army, My job was supposed to be a mortar team operator. But the area I was in didnt have any positions empty. So I went in for communications.

Im just very inquisitive because I want to do everything by the books.

Pyro Nation
06-20-2012, 01:10 AM
Well, keep personal costs down... Load up more on the 2.5 and 3... then 4...... 5 are the red headed step child in my opinion that can be kept to the side and forgot about....

06-20-2012, 01:48 AM
I guess Ill have to go with concensus and load up on more tubes. Thanks.