View Full Version : More email feedback

05-23-2012, 08:26 PM
Here are more feedback emails I received recently. I usually receive several of these weekly. The few critics I have will tell you I am ruining the fireworks hobby. All they do is perpetrate messages of hate about my videos and website. They will tell you because I am helping people get their ATF license to purchase 1.3 fireworks this is somehow all going to bring the anti-fireworks establishment down upon all of us. I somehow violate these established rules they have created over the years. These “Critics” do not sell fireworks and are only users of fireworks like most of us, what can their motive be for all this is up for interpretation. I have never received one complaint from a distributor of fireworks! All the fireworks distributors featured in my videos tell me it has been a positive experience for their business. Most of have thanked me for showing how fun fireworks can be. I would ask that you purchase your fireworks and equipment from the companies that support my website and videos. A few of my video subscribers have grown up watching my fireworks videos and are now becoming of age and expressing a desire to work for a professional fireworks company. In addition, many viewers outside of United States are enjoying the fireworks culture of United States through my videos. Here are two recent email examples. Posted with permission.

From United States.
I referred him to a professional fireworks display company located 50 miles from his home.
Hello Dave, well my name is rxxxx gxxxx. I stay in Anaheim,California, i just turnd 18 years old and i am a senior at my school. My biggest passion in life will have to be fireworks, i have love them since i can remember. Always getting a big smile when i would see the fireworks stand with no fireworks inside them. I am emailing u because i would aprreciate if u can help me reach my DREAM in life,witch is becoming a pyrotechnition and later work for disneyland and shoot off fireworks with them. Im sorry for reaching u on here but it was the only way i could. I would really appreciate if u can help me out and telling me what i can do to get started.

Thank You.

p.s. The BIGEST fan of your youtube vids.

From the United Kingdom
Purchased pyrotalk T-Shirt and wanted to see the ATF video package I am selling because he may be moving from the United Kingdom to United States in the near future.
Hi Dave

I would just like to inform you that I received the package with the Shirt and DVD’s just fine. Having just watched the DVDs I’m really pleased with them, If I’m totally honest they were a lot better than I expected them to be. Very informative, especially to someone in the UK who has no idea of the procedures in the US. So thank you.

I have been following your videos for a few years now and enjoyed them. In particular the long videos of yourself and other crews setting up, there’s a lot of neat tips and tricks that even an experienced pyro can pick up from watching other pyros rig for a show.

Over the years I have also read quite a few bad things about you on various forums, mostly from when you were selling tape and the fact you sell a DVD package that people think your just in it for the money. I’ve never really understood it, I would bet that the money you make from selling DVDs and shirts etc. is far less than your expenses of traveling around to various places to make videos. And even if you were making a little profit here and there, so what that’s what life is about at the end of the day, your time isn’t free and you spend a lot of it producing free content. So don’t get discouraged from negative comments in the future.

Also something interesting, I discovered that you sealed your package with “Dave’s Special Tape” that you informed people of where to buy it from UHAUL, Now having seen it close up I discovered it’s the exact same tape as some that I have, I know it as “Flatback tape” and I have it in 25mm (1 Inch) and 48mm (2 Inch) rolls. I picked up a case of both sizes last year from a local store that is no longer in business, and now I have no idea what I’m going to do when I run out (probably this year, I only have about 6 rolls of each size left) I’ve not found a single UK source for it yet, maybe I should import some. J

Anyway this email is getting quite long so I’ll leave it at that. Thanks again and keep up the excellent work.

Dxxxx Gxxxx