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View Full Version : Oregon limited display certification

04-18-2012, 10:50 AM
Just wanted to pass on the application to be able to buy and get shipped to your door"Tannerite" AP's.If anyone lives in Oregon it is simple,legal,and fast to be certified.The page is Oregon limited display certification.Just print out and mail,or take to office.People are very nice.

04-18-2012, 06:30 PM
Thanks for joining the forums. It looks like you are in Tannerite territory in the state of Oregon, that is cool. I believe I found a link from the state of Oregon on the subject. I am not sure if you are aware or not but no matter what state you live in you are still going to need some form of an ATF license to purchase 1.3 fireworks.

Here is the link if anyone is interested

04-18-2012, 06:37 PM
Right.How Oregon has display defined you have to apply for that permit and go through 4 professional displays assisting.Hope to do that one day.The tannerite special effects falls under the special effect permit.Which the certification and Dan's training covers.Belive me quite the mess to understand,but he has cracked the code and legally permissible.Just a site map,police notification and signature,and local fire dept. signature.

04-18-2012, 07:11 PM
Dan is the man for sure. As soon as he gets EX numbers for it so it can ship, look for a 100 shot special effects “Air Burst” cake. This is scheduled to be an “Article of Pyrotechnic”. I am on deck to get one and of course, I will be doing a video. I just wish I could convince more of my advertisers to carry some of these “Air Burst” 1.4 AP’s. The one distributor in Pennsylvania (that is not one of my advertisers unfortunately) sold all the M-25 cakes he ordered. They are so dam slow on those EX numbers that the new 100 shot EP most likely will not be approved until after July 4th

04-18-2012, 08:11 PM
Great videos! but man makes us want to go do some too.Keep up the good work.

05-23-2012, 12:31 AM
Oh boy this Oregon fire marshal is in deep corruption.They are giving Mr Tanner such a hard time right now.Please send him some support her web address is anita.philips@state.or.us .For the last two months i've been trying to apply for a special effect permit through them and all i get is closed doors because i want to buy from Dan.An approved oregon wholesaler!