I was looking over some of my fireworks related paperwork and found this shipping document. If you want a Consumer Fireworks delivery and do not want...
On my Articles of Pyrotechnic education program, if you do not own one of the listed firing system , one can still purchase the program and receive a...
I also agree with you. And I really don't want to carry this on but still a lot of people believe the tarriff is paid by the other country, I really...
With any luck this tariff will be removed. It will be levied on goods at U.S. customs on departures from February 1 forward so it will be a few weeks...
I heard that is true , the tariff is paid by the importer and will not be China paying. Using the motorcycle tariff from the mid 80’s as an example....
Hi I've been doing amateur pyro for about going on 2 years now, and I'm accustomed with pretty much every flash there is. But what I'm looking for is...