
Type: Posts; User: KDirk

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  1. Replies

    Well, I made the call this morning to move the...

    Well, I made the call this morning to move the show to Saturday. I cleared the change with all concerned parties, and fortunately it was workable within the schedules of all involved. We are...
  2. And here I spent the better part of two evenings...

    And here I spent the better part of two evenings removing those plastic caps off the tops of a few hundred shells, so they wouldn't end up scattered all over the shoot site. At least the cardboard...
  3. Replies

    It looks like I may have to make preps this year...

    It looks like I may have to make preps this year for potential rain on the 4th. I have plastic painters drop cloths of the disposable variety, 5 mil I think. But I'm concerned about the integrity of...
  4. Thread: 2024 show music

    by KDirk

    To be honest, I never much cared for music with a...

    To be honest, I never much cared for music with a fireworks show. But I think that was largely due to the fact that the municipal show I used to go to years ago used a lot of current music that I...
  5. Replies

    For finale racks I use 25 tube setups (square,...

    For finale racks I use 25 tube setups (square, milk crate sized for ease of storage and transport). I gang fuse the whole rack of 25 with two pink visco wyed off at the ingoing end of the master fuse...
  6. Got a good chuckle from the post above by...

    Got a good chuckle from the post above by @arclight. LAPD was the outfit that blew up a vessel full of seized fireworks - while it was situated in a residential neighborhood - a few years ago, and...
  7. Replies

    That strikes me as an over the top "solution",...

    That strikes me as an over the top "solution", unless there was either something so unstable it couldn't be safely removed, or the entire structure was contaminated beyond any chance of economical...
  8. Replies

    I've never seen one. If it isn't for pyro, what...

    I've never seen one. If it isn't for pyro, what was its intended purpose? Appears to me to work much the same as a talon igniter, but with an awfully bulky head on it.
  9. Replies

    I remove the plastic caps placed on most consumer...

    I remove the plastic caps placed on most consumer mortar shells now. That reduces cleanup and insures there isn't much of anything non-biodegradable left laying around after the show. I've cut the...
  10. Thread: 2024 show music

    by KDirk

    Well, keep in mind that the pacing of my show has...

    Well, keep in mind that the pacing of my show has typically been slower than what I suspect most here are presenting. If I condensed the amount of product I shot last year (~$2900 at wholesale) into...
  11. Thread: 2024 show music

    by KDirk

    I pick all the music (though will consider...

    I pick all the music (though will consider suggestions) since I'm the one paying for and running the whole thing. Luckily, the crowd at my show has musical taste that falls pretty well in line with...
  12. I can see that. Obviously, in many places...

    I can see that. Obviously, in many places existing blanket bans on consumer fireworks (both sales and use) came a long time back, and more from authoritarian stick-in-the-mud types who always presume...
  13. @BMoore, thanks for that clarification on the...

    @BMoore, thanks for that clarification on the various subclassifications of 1.4. I'd not looked at those closely before now, and the "need to know" didn't present itself until I received this email....
  14. I've noted the different subclassifications of...

    I've noted the different subclassifications of 1.4 listed in the email, but am unsure how that relates specifically to AP product at this point. Is any/most/all AP categorized as UN0336? Or does...
  15. That's pretty well how I look at it. As to buying...

    That's pretty well how I look at it. As to buying elsewhere, I wasn't going to buy AP from SO76, but from one of Dave's sponsors who recognize his training certificate. I still plan to do so, but now...
  16. I wholeheartedly agree with that assertion, but...

    I wholeheartedly agree with that assertion, but would guess that SO76 will be following this policy based upon what they assume to be the final, approved legislation. If it gets amended (or killed...
  17. I've no idea where the push came from, nor was I...

    I've no idea where the push came from, nor was I aware until I read this email that any such changes were on tap. As the email stated, the state assembly and the state fire marshall are in the midst...
  18. Update on purchase and use of AP products in Missouri

    I recently received an email from Spirit of 76 regarding the requirements for purchasing or using (legally, anyway) AP products in the state of Missouri. I'll attach the pertinent portion below:

  19. Replies

    I share the concern over the effect of humidity...

    I share the concern over the effect of humidity on product and fusing, as I'm in St Louis, MO where we typically have bad humidity (often 90%+ by early to mid June most years). That said, we have...
  20. Replies

    I don't really have a problem with this even...

    I don't really have a problem with this even though I bought Cobra hardware to start. Ignite wasn't out yet when I made my initial foray into electronic firing, and I'd not have bought Ignite in lieu...
  21. Replies

    I'm still very much small scale operation. Have...

    I'm still very much small scale operation. Have grown my Cobra hardware to 216 total cues (planning for more, but not for this year most likely) and an audio box. Not certain if I'll use the audio...
  22. Replies

    Not sure yet if mine will be on the 4th proper,...

    Not sure yet if mine will be on the 4th proper, or on the 5th. I really dislike doing an mid-week shoot, as it ends up feeling rushed to tear down and clean up afterwards. At least that's how it...
  23. Thread: Toy Cap Cane?

    by KDirk

    Could it be a toy waking cane that fires a cap?...

    Could it be a toy waking cane that fires a cap? Kind of a James Bondesque disguised prop type gun? Never seen this referred to in print before, but I seem to have a distant memory of a walking stick...
  24. Replies

    That's a bit unsettling. I think I'd prefer you...

    That's a bit unsettling. I think I'd prefer you to continue doing your own presentations. You are far more entertaining than little miss AI from HR.

    Besides, she doesn't look like she has ever...
  25. Ouch, a whole series of tough breaks there, it...

    Ouch, a whole series of tough breaks there, it hurt just reading it. I've been hit with some personal setbacks recently as well, but nothing on that scale. It's good though that you have found the...
Results 1 to 25 of 52
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