
cherry bombs

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Lately It's been an obsession of mine to recreate original cherry bombs. I haven't seen any tutorials on it or any descriptions of how to do them either. If anyone knew please tell me, I would love to know. Thanks.


  1. mutinrzombi's Avatar
    I have also heard of people rolling the casing in kitty litter mix of some sort. This seems interesting and I would love to try if I knew how to do it.
  2. displayfireworks1's Avatar
    They use saw dust not kitty litter. What is it that you are up to? Two things have me worried , one is I suspect you are young and the other is you are from California.
  3. FinnAmerican's Avatar
    50 milligram "Cherry Bombs"...
  4. mutinrzombi's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by displayfireworks1
    They use saw dust not kitty litter. What is it that you are up to? Two things have me worried , one is I suspect you are young and the other is you are from California.
    I figured out how to make it through the patent on this forum. Yes both are true that Young and from california. Is that an issue?
    Updated 01-29-2021 at 04:41 AM by mutinrzombi